We were commissioned in 2015 to prepare proposals to enhance the West End, College Green and College Square. All three spaces are owned by the Cathedral and within the public realm. The idea is to extend the Cathedral's welcome into the wider precinct, with extensive public consultation. Project ongoing 2017.

Askew Nelson were commissioned in 2013 to prepare a landscape vision for the Cathedral precinct. After extensive public consultation, the scheme is now being taken forward with an application to Heritage Lottery Fund. Work due to start on site in late 2016.
The landscape around the Cathedral was, until WWII, largely occupied up by houses, shops, hotels and pubs. Heavy bombardment in the War demolished many of these buildings (the Cathedral extraordinarily survived). After the War the remaining buildings were demolished, the ground levelled and a few trees planted. The opportunity is now being taken by the Cathedral to design and and lay out a wonderful precinct and civic space at the centre of Old Portsmouth.

Views are to be opened up, planting rejuvenated and the public spaces re-ordered.

Major new design for the town centre including Church Green, Walter Stranz Square and the train station, and the interconnecting roads.